Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Government Help on Health Insurance - Lower Costs

Health insurance costs have been on the rise for a very long time now. Health insurance plans are getting out of reach for many middle class families to afford. The biggest problem with this increase is that salaries have not risen nearly as fast. The only way most families can afford rates like this is for both parents to work. However this just causes more visits to the doctor's office, because most of the times the kids have to be put in day care.

If you have kids in day care or know someone that has kids in day care, then you know they are much more likely to get sick than kids that are not in day care. The reason kids get sick more often in day care is that they are around a bunch of kids that they can catch an illness from. Many people have tried to develop new ways to lower health insurance costs, but they have not worked very well so far. I believe that the only way that health insurance costs can be lowered is with the help of the federal government.

I think the largest problem with health insurance costs today is the higher insurance costs that hospitals must pay for malpractice insurance. The burden of these larger costs is then placed on the patients that visit the hospital. The malpractice insurance costs are high because of the many frivolous lawsuits that are filed every year in America.

I believe that the federal government needs to get involved to place limits on the amount of money that can be won in these lawsuits, because this will slow down people who might want to sue for no reason. In turn this will allow malpractice insurance costs to be lowered, and also allow health insurance costs to go down as well. I do not think that these things will happen on there own, so I believe the only way health insurance costs will become more reasonable is if the federal government gets involved.